How TIM works for the management team
TIM creates security for the management team since critical tasks are bound to a system rather than a single person.

- Facilitates planning, execution and evaluations of strategic work.
The management team can push their strategic work forward and delegate tasks to other people in the organization, feeling safe knowing that it will get done. Critical strategic information is securely stored and handled in a way so that only those with proper authorization can access it.
- Security even in changing times.
Organizations are always moving, always changing – employees come and go and switch to new positions. But critical tasks need to get done even through these changes. TIM will make sure that no task is left unattended, even when the person in charge moves on.
- A management system owned by the management team.
With TIM, the work around ISO is not tied to or weighing down a single person, and is thus not a source of vulnerability to the management team. Employees are automatically involved and can participate in the projects. The person with the main responsibility for ISO is given a wider access in TIM and will receive support from Clarendo, to make sure they feel confident using TIM as time goes by.